Be a part of the future of Montrose
Cerro Summit
Mountain Bike
Skills Park
brought to you by:

Imagine a place with jump lines, berms, and skills building features right here in Montrose.

Where you pedal up to ride
downhill flow trails designed for all levels.

Somewhere to practice skills, host events, and provide an outlet for our youth.
That place is Cerro Summit!
This project is brought to you by MUT (Montrose Uncompahgre Trails), your local mountain biking 501c3 non-profit organization, and a chapter of COPMOBA. We have an awesome track record for trail building!
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

It starts with design plans
It takes an expert to design bike park trails correctly. Safety and sustainability are key, along with sculpting the trails to create the magical feeling of "flow."
The design plans will also give us a well-defined target when it comes time to apply for construction grants.
Public Input Meeting Coming Soon
Spring/Summer 2024
Thanks for your support
Update April 2024: Design Plans Fundraising Complete!
$15,000 RAISED!
The City of Montrose will match for total of $30k towards design plans
Special thanks to:

Help bring exciting new trail features to Montrose
Up to 6 gravity-fed flow trails designed to maximize fun with beginner to expert lines
Features such as rollers, berms, jumps, drops, and more
Skills building opportunities

You're also supporting:

Local Economy
A bike park aligns with city goals to attract more outdoor brands to the area, and will give more people a reason to "Visit Montrose." Studies show major financial benefits of mountain biking in this region. You can read about it here.

Quality of Life
Word-class recreation isn't reserved for resort towns. Let's offer more to the hardworking people of Montrose. Locals will spend less time driving elsewhere for mountain biking and more time outdoors with friends and family.

Montrose kids are already building jumps illegally. Let's give them a safe place to be challenged. Biking gets children off the couch and moving. It instills confidence, helps moderate emotion, improves focus, and combats depression.
If they can do it, so can we...
Small towns with bike parks kickstarted by people like you.
Where is Cerro Summit?The Cerro Summit Recreation Area is 13 miles east of Montrose along Highway 50. Other than 3 small parking areas and a few trails the property is undeveloped.
Why build the park at Cerro Summit?Owned by the City of Montrose, Cerro Summit has ample space (110 acres) for a bike park. The rolling landscape offers several hundred feet of elevation to build gravity-fed trails with minimal erosion. Cerro Summit is already utilized by mountain bikers and the space will be brought to its fullest potential as a mountain bike park. It also has fewer users than Riverbottom, drastically reducing the possibility of user conflict.
What will happen to the existing trails at Cerro Summit?It will depend on how the park is professionally designed. Dog walkers and hikers will be able to safely utilize the climbing access trails, while downhill trails will be mountain bike only. The contractor will take into account the sledding hill so that winter recreation is largely unaffected.
How is this different than Electric Hills?Electric Hills offers up to 17 miles of front-country mountain biking. The terrain features are varied and based on the natural environment. While open to everyone, these types of trails are preferred for cross country and endurance styles of mountain biking. A bike park is a specialized area, where trails are much shorter (about .5 mile long) and carefully constructed to provide flow and challenges. While open to everyone, these types of trails are preferred for downhill, freeride, and enduro styles of mountain biking. Cerro Summit the missing piece for a well rounded mountain bike community that appeals to a variety of riding styles.
What is the project timeline?This will depend on how quickly we can fundraise and obtain a construction grant. Based on research from other bike parks, it is reasonable to expect a 2 year timeline. On the slower end, 5 years. The actual construction can be completed over 1 summer..
What is the project total cost?Est. Cost of design plans: $25k-$40k Est. Cost to build: $250-$550k The amount varies depending on how many trails and the extent of trail features we decide to move forward with. For example, $550k would get us a state of the art bike park while $250k will get us a couple of awesome flow trails. Cost of design plans are being fundraised by the community with a match from the City of Montrose. For the cost of the project build will be applying for grants (similar to how Electric Hills was funded). This information is based on estimates from multiple area contractors specializing in bike parks, along with research from existing bike parks - such as Minturn, Sedona, and Quigley Bike Park. These organizations were extremely generous with sharing details (thank you).
